Behavior Class
From Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki
Behavior classes can be any class referenced from a unit's behavior tag.
Objects are constructed using this constructor:
ClassName(UnitPtr unit, SValue& params)
Methods called from the engine
The engine calls the following functions, if they exist:
void Update(int dt)
void QueuedPathfind(array<vec2>@ path)
void QueuedFetchActors(array<UnitPtr>@ actors)
void Collide(UnitPtr unit, vec2 pos, vec2 normal)
void Collide(UnitPtr unit, vec2 pos, vec2 normal, Fixture@ fxSelf, Fixture@ fxOther)
void EndCollision(UnitPtr unit)
void EndCollision(UnitPtr unit, Fixture@ fxSelf, Fixture@ fxOther)
void Destroyed()
vec4 GetOverlayColor()
SValue@ Save()
void Load(SValue@ save)
void PostLoad(SValue@ save)