GameMode Class
From Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki
Gamemode classes are defined using the [GameMode]
[GameMode] class TestLevel : Campaign
The only possible parameter for this is default
, which, if specified, causes the gamemode to load as the default gamemode if a level does not set a gamemode. In Heroes of Hammerwatch, this is always MainMenu
Objects are constructed using this constructor:
ClassName(Scene@ scene)
Methods called from the engine
The engine calls the following functions, if they exist:
void Start(uint8, SValue@, StartMode)
void LobbyCreated(bool loadingSave)
void LobbyInviteAccepted(uint64 id)
void LobbyEntered()
void LobbyFailedJoin(bool host)
void GetPlayerSave(uint8)
void AddPlayer(uint8)
void RemovePlayer(uint8, bool)
void UpdateFrame(int, GameInput&, MenuInput&)
void UpdatePausedFrame(int, GameInput&, MenuInput&)
void PreRenderFrame(int)
void RenderFrame(int, SpriteBatch&)
void RenderFrameLoading(int, SpriteBatch&)
void ResizeWindow(int, int, float)
SValue@ Save()
void OnBindingInput(ControllerType, int)
void SystemMessage(string, SValue@)
void ChatMessage(uint8, string)
void LobbyDataUpdate()
void LobbyMemberDataUpdate(uint8)
void LobbyList(array<uint64>@)
void SetMenuState(MenuState)
bool MenuBack()
void ShowMessage(MenuMessage)
vec2 GetCameraPos(int)
vec4 GetVignette(int)
void Paused(bool)
void Generate(SValue@)
void OnExitGame()