Toolkit Class
From Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki
Toolkit classes are defined using the [Toolkit]
[Toolkit] class UnitViewer : TestSceneTool
Objects are constructed using this constructor:
ClassName(ToolkitScript@ script)
Methods called from the engine
The engine calls the following functions, if they exist:
void OnShow()
void OnHide()
void OnKeyPress(int scancode)
void OnKeyDown(int scancode)
void OnKeyUp(int scancode)
void OnMouseDown(vec2 pos, int button)
void OnMouseUp(vec2 pos, int button)
void OnMouseMove(vec2 pos)
void OnMouseWheel(vec2 delta)
void Initialize()
void Save(SValueBuilder@ builder)
void Load(SValue@ data)
void Update(int dt)
void Render(SpriteBatch& sb, int idt)
void RenderMenu()
void ResourcesToReload(array<string>@ res)
void OnResourcesReloaded()