Voice lines
From Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki
Voice Lines are activated by sending the corresponding number in chat. (Note, you have to have a voice other than the default set, Male 1, Male 2, Female 2, or Female 2)
- 0. (random voice line)
- 1. Yes
- 2. No
- 3. Food Please
- 4. Wood Please
- 5. Gold Please
- 6. Stone Please
- 7. aaaAAAAaaaa (like I get it now)
- 8. All hail king of the losers!
- 9. oooOOOooo
- 10. I'll beat you back to castle Hammerwatch!
- 11. *Laughs*
- 12. Being rushed!
- 13. Sure, blame it on your ISP
- 14. Start the game already!
- 15. Don't point that thing at me!
- 16. Enemy sighted!
- 17. It is good to be the king.
- 18. Monk! I need a Monk!
- 19. Long time, no see.
- 20. My granny can scrap better than that.
- 21. Nice town, I'll take it.
- 22. Quit touching me!
- 23. Raiding Party!
- 24. Dagone it!
- 25. Smite me
- 26. The Wonder! The Wonder! nooo!
- 27. You played two hours to die like this?
- 28. Yeah, well, you should see the other guy.
- 29. Rogan?
- 30. Wololo!!
- 31. Attack an enemy now!
- 32. Cease creating extra villagers.
- 33. Create extra villagers.
- 34. Build a navy.
- 35. Stop building a navy
- 36. Wait for my signal to attack!
- 37. Build a Wonder
- 38. Give me your extra resources
- 39. Lalala~
- 40. Bauowwwwww~
- 42. What age are you in?