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The Thief in his cell

The Tavern is unlocked by purchasing it in the Tier 2 Town Hall upgrades once the Thief has been found in the Prison.
You may purchase drinks you have found in the Tower or Pyramid to gain special buffs to aid you on your journey. The Pyramid DLC unlocks 4 drinks.

Upgrading the Tavern will allow you to increase you drink limit per run to 3, 4, or 5 and also increases the maximum drink storage in the Tavern.

Thief and Gambling

Once you rescue the Thief from the Prison and unlock the first tier of the Tavern, you will be allowed gamble.
Gambling is a simple card flipping game where the highest card number wins. A draw will result in the 'house' winning and the 'Spike Trap' card is a Joker and will win any hand.

$$ Chance of Bonus Item Drinks Odds Blueprints Odds Dyes Odds
500 - - - -
1000 - - - -
5000 33% Common 1/2 Common 1/4 Common 1/4
10000 50% Common 1/6 Common 1/4 Common 1/4
Uncommon 1/6 Uncommon 1/12 Uncommon 1/12
100000 100% Rare 1/5 Uncommon 1/5 Uncommon 1/5
Rare 1/5 Rare 1/5
1000000 100% Rare 1/2 Rare 1/3

Richard Hammer's Barrel Drinks

Richard the bartender is unlocked with the Tavern by default, and will allow you to purchase drinks that you have found in barrels throughout the Tower. Barrels will contain multiple charges of whatever drink you are given, depending on the rarity and the NG level you are playing on. Uncommon drinks can be found on NG+1 and above and rare drinks on NG+2 and above.

Common Uncommon Rare
Max stacks 32 24 16
Cost if empty 500G 2,000G 5,000G

Common Drinks

Common drinks are found in any level as long as you have the tavern unlocked.

Image Drink Effect
The Groovy Ghost +8% Evasion,
-15 Attack Power.
Smelly Old Man +2 Mana Regen,
-10% Base HP
On the Run +0.4 Movement Speed,
-25% Gold Gain.
Miner's Delight +100% Ore Gain,
-75% Gold Gain.
Mind Control Immune to confusion,
All other debuffs last 100% longer.
Mellow Mist -10% Damage Taken,
-0.4 Movement Speed.
Lazy Stroll +50% Experience Gain,
-0.4 Movement Speed.
Lady's Blessing +2HP Regen,
-15 Skill Power.
Enchanted Slammer +10 Physical damage on Primary Attack,
Primary attack costs 2.5% of your current mana.
Crazy Eye +10% Primary Critical Hit Chance,
-20 Armor.
Ancient Spirit +20 Skill Power,
-10 Resistance.
A Strong Arm +25 Attack Power,
-15 Armor.
A Fool's Errand +100% Gold Gain,
HP regen set to 0.
Snake Blood Immune to Poison -25% Health gained.

Uncommon Drinks

Uncommon drinks are found in New Game Plus 1 (NG+1).

Image Drink Effect
The Safe Bet PoP.png +20% Armor and Resistance,
-5 Luck.
The Outlook Special Ore pickups trigger a 50% damage reduction for 30 seconds,
-50% ore gain.
The Last Sin +100% Skill Critical Damage,
-33% Mana Regen.
The Hairy Magus You gain 1% of your current mana when scoring critical hits with skills,
+25% skill cost.
The Cranky Clergyman PoP.png +25 Resistance,
-25% Skill speed.
Starlight Stinger +15% Skill Critical Chance,
-25% Base Mana.
Slumbering Giant PoP.png +50 Attack power,
-20% attack speed.
Primal Fury +33% attack speed in combo,
No mana regen in combo.
Overflowing Physique +50% base Health,
Lose 5% of your current Mana while moving.
Last Stand +30% Damage Output Damage Reduction when standing still,
+10% damage taken while moving.
Homemade Hazard +100% Primary Critical Damage,
+10% Damage Taken.
Elemental Bruiser +75% Skill Damage,
+50% Skill Costs.
Double Thriller +75% Damage Dealt,
+25% Damage Taken.
The Smirking Shopkeep You can buy an additional item in dungeon shops. Items cost 50% more in dungeon shops.

Rare Drinks

Rare drinks are found in New Game Plus 2 (NG+2).

Image Drink Effect
Wicked Sickness +200% Damage dealt during combo,
-50% damage dealt out of combo.
Unbalanced Essence +100 Skill Power,
Lose 10% of current mana when casting a skill.
The Mad Proposal +400% Damage dealt,
Gain a permanent state of Vertigo.
Stab In The Dark 50% chance to score a Critical Hit on Primary Attack,
Darkness effect for 1.5 seconds when using your Primary Attack.
Spilled Blood Primary Attack applies bleeding,
-20% base Health.
Perpetual Desire PoP.png All pickups (coins, ore, mana crystals) activate combo,
+100% skill cost out of combo.
Markham's Moonshine +5% damage per item in your inventory. Spheres count twice,
Combo is disabled.
Kinetic Kiss Gain 2.5% of your max Mana while moving,
Lose all your Mana when taking damage.
Incendiary Demise +40 magical damage on primary attack,
Set on fire when hitting enemies with primary attacks.
Hammer Time +100 Attack Power,
Lose 5% of current HP while standing still.
Frenetic Eruption 5% chance of triggering Combo on critical hits,
+20% damage taken out of Combo.
Evil Infusion 5% Lifesteal on skills,
Lose 10% of current HP when casting a skill.
Crimson Death +5% Lifesteal on primary attacks,
Lose 2.5% of current health while moving.
Caustic Touch Damage dealt by skills also applies poison,
You become poisoned when casting a skill.

Common Drink Combinations

The Tavern offers a variety of drink combinations that provide unique buffs and effects. Here are some common and powerful combinations:

Drink 1 Drink 2 Effect
Snake Blood
Caustic Touch
Grants immunity to poison from Snake Blood while allowing you to apply poison with Caustic Touch skills.
Double Thriller
Slumbering Giant
Increases damage dealt significantly with Double Thriller while boosting your attack power with Slumbering Giant, at the cost of reduced attack speed and increased damage taken.
Overflowing Physique
Kinetic Kiss
Greatly increases your health pool with Overflowing Physique while providing mana regeneration when moving with Kinetic Kiss, though you lose mana upon taking damage.
Crazy Eye
The Last Sin
Enhances primary critical hit chance with Crazy Eye and skill critical damage with The Last Sin, although you sacrifice armor and mana regeneration.
Lazy Stroll
Miner's Delight
Boosts experience gain with Lazy Stroll and ore gain with Miner's Delight, ideal for farming runs, but reduces movement speed and gold gain.

These combinations can be tailored to fit your playstyle and the challenges you face. Experiment with different drinks to find the best synergy for your character.