Rare Items

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Rare items grant very potent attribute gains and will only be seen in the late stages of the campaign. They can be found in silver and gold chests. They also have a chance to be dropped from bosses.

List of Rare Gear
Image Name Effect Blueprint Set
Amulet of Kings +30 magic resistance Kings Regalia
Amulet of Vengeance 10% to trigger combo when taking damage.
Armor of Kings +30 armor Kings Regalia
Bloodthirst Ring 2.5% Lifesteal on primary attack
Cape of the Flamewalker Burns nearby enemies for 10 Magical damage per second.
Curio's Coffer +20 Health & Mana. +12 Attack & Skill Power. +8 Armour & Resistance. Curio's Collection
Duelist's Edge +10% Evasion. When evading an attack you return 50 Physical damage to the attacker and applies bleeding. Trickester's Ensemble
Earthsplitter 10% chance to release two earth spikes on your primary attack, dealing 40 physical damage.
Flametongue +5 magical damage on primary attack, primary attacks also applies burning Fire and Ice
Frostbrand +5 magical damage on primary attack, primary attacks also applies freezing Fire and Ice
Greater Sphere of Regen During combo you gain +3 Health regen and +6 Mana regen Spheres of Power
Heartseeker +12.5% chance to score a critical hit on primary attack
Magebane 25% chance to lower enemies Resistance by 75% for 4 seconds on Primary Attack.
Markham's Amulet +2 health & mana per item in your inventory Markham's Mastery
Markham's Mace +1 Attack power per item in your inventory Markham's Mastery
Markham's Wand +1 Skill power per item in your inventory Markham's Mastery
Scepter of Kings +40 skill power Kings Regalia
Shieldbreaker 25% chance to lower enemies Armor by 75% for 4 seconds on Primary Attack.
Staff of Volatile Casting 10% chance to score a critical hit with spells
Stormcaller 10% chance to release a chain lightning on your primary attack, dealing 30 Magical damage.
Sword of Kings +40 Attack power Kings Regalia
Talisman of Conflagration Enemies have a 25% chance to explode in fire when killed dealing 25 magical damage
Wrath of the Thundergod Returns a lightning bolt to the attacker when hit, dealing 30 magical damage.