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Game config commands

Game config commands
g_gore Affects whether slain enemies will leave gore effects or not. True or False.
g_language Changes the game's language. Currently no other languages. Will require a restart to take effect.
g_laser_sight Changes the Aim Guide option. 1 for on, 0 of off, -1 for Auto.
g_local_player_marker Adds a colored circle below your character's sprite. True or False.
g_mousemove_speed Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
g_movedir_snap Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
g_screenshake Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
g_vfx_quality Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
r_hdr Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
r_lighting Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
r_shadows Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
r_smooth_scrolling Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
rg_brightness Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
rg_contrast Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
rg_crt_curve Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
rg_gamma Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
rg_pixel_perfect Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin

Cheat commands

Cheat commands
e_cheats Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
e_picmip Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
g_scale Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
g_timescale Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin

Console config commands

Console config commands
cs_bgcolor Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
cs_enabled Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
cs_fgcolor Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
cs_height Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
cs_show_build Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
cs_speed Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin

Multiplayer/Lobby commands

Multiplayer/Lobby commands
lobby_kick Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
lobby_members Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
lobby_say Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
g_multiplayer_limit Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
g_multiplayer_ping_limit Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin

Sound commands

Sound commands
snd_volume Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
snd_volume_env Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
snd_volume_music Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
snd_volume_sfx Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
snd_volume_ui Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
snd_volume_voice Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin

UI commands

UI commands
ui_bars_visibility Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_chat_dialog Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_chat_fade_time Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_chat_scale Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_chat_width Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_cursor_alpha Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_cursor_health Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_cursor_health_alpha Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_draw_plr_names Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_draw_plr_names_real Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_draw_plr_stats Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_draw_vignette Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_key_count Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin
ui_scale Filler text to fill a description of the command. Show examples of what's possible and explain properly plskthx :) -Muffin