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The dungeons of Hammerwatch have several reoccurring encounters to aid you on you quest.


Using an elevator will allow you to send your money and ore back to town. Money is taxed based on your current town hall level. The game will ask you for confirmation and show you how much you are actually sending back and at what tax rate.


A Spring can spawn on any floor. Using it will restore you to max health and mana as well as fill any empty potion charges you might have.
The only guaranteed spring in the game is directly before Bosses on floor 3 of act 5.


These can be found rarely in any act. Interacting with one will ask you if you are willing to sacrifice some stats. If you agree you will be rewarded with a state increase. The rewards is random there is no way of knowing what you will get.

  • add lists here*


Imps will show up in the dungeon at random times. After they have appeared they will stay for 2 minutes before leaving. If you are able to get to them before they leave they will reward you.

  • add list here*


Shops can be found on any floor. The further you are in the dungeon the better the offer is.

  • expand on that?*


After you defeat an Act boss these portals will appear on the first floor of the act, with the exception of act 5. These are character specific so you much unlock them with each character. If you use it you will be transported to a survival section where you will be faced with ten waves of enemies found in the next act. After each second wave you will be rewarded with an item and after all waves a spring will activate.